African Gender Equality Research Group

The Institute of Global Value Inquiry (IGVI) invites applications from scholars specialising in African feminist philosophies to join the African Gender Equality Research Group. The initiative aims to bring together researchers across Africa to explore and critically engage with African philosophies, values, and norms within the context of global values. The researchers in the group will undertake innovative research and advocacy on African feminist philosophies, gender equality discourses, women’s empowerment and rights, decoloniality, and Indigenous knowledge on women’s empowerment.

This research group aims to address socio-cultural, political, and economic obstacles to gender equality and dynamics while fostering the exchange of ideas across Africa, and between Africa and other regions and continents. The group will host conferences to share research findings, aiming for roughly two events each year. The group’s scholars will actively participate in IGVI’s annual conference and contribute to the Journal of Global Value Inquiry.

The selected scholars will be appointed for a duration of four years and will receive a monthly stipend of 800 Euros.

Female feminist philosophers and scholars based on the African continent, particularly from anglophone West Africa, are encouraged to apply.

Application Requirements:

  • Researchers must be based in Africa and be employed by or connected to an African university.
  • Applicants to the position must have a PhD or doctorate in philosophy or a cognate discipline within the humanities, and specialise in gender equality research, decoloniality, feminist philosophies, epistemologies and methodologies.

They should send the following documents to by 28 February 2025:

  • A curriculum Vitae (CV) of no more than six pages.
  • A list of publications.
  • Three to five written documents containing results of research into values and norms (no more than five article-length works and no more than two book-length works).
  • A summary of the candidate’s expertise in questions of gender equality (no more than six pages long).
  • A short outline of a research proposal covering one or more of the thematic areas listed below (no more than two pages long).

Enquiries concerning this call for applications may be addressed to the Senior Researcher in charge of the African Gender Equality Research Group, Constance Awinpoka Akurugu (

About IGVI

IGVI is a newly founded institute for advanced studies in the humanities dedicated to genuinely global research into values and norms. It promotes inquiry into which values and norms are, or could be, globally shared (and which are not) and funds research across political, cultural, or linguistic boundaries, with a special concern for views from the Global South. The organisational structure of IGVI is decentralised, as it is designed to support research structures in the Global South and promote research cooperation across the world. (For more information, go to:

About the African Gender Equality Research Group

This research project seeks to examine African philosophies and cultural traditions regarding gender norms, values, gender roles, and ethics within the framework of global values, thereby carving out intellectual and cultural resources for the promotion of gender equality and women’s empowerment across the continent. The project will rely heavily on African philosophies, African feminist philosophies, decoloniality, gender discourses, and Indigenous knowledge and discourses on women’s empowerment to develop a framework for analysis. The study aims to address socio-cultural, political, and economic obstacles to gender equality and dynamics while fostering the exchange of ideas between Africa and other regions and continents.

Thematic areas

A. Philosophical and theoretical issues

  • African Indigenous philosophies and ethics on gender norms and values
  • African philosophy and Indigenous knowledge systems underpinning gender equality and women’s empowerment
  • Indigenous knowledge of gender equality and values in the context of global values
  • African Indigenous knowledge systems: concepts and contexts

B. Feminist philosophies, epistemologies and methodologies

  • Epistemic freedoms, injustices, and values in studies of African women
  • Decolonial African feminist epistemologies
  • Feminist research within African philosophies
  • African feminist knowledge systems

Research questions

The main research goal of the African Gender Equality Research Group is to conduct cutting-edge research into African ethics, values, norms, and practices in the context of global values, to gain a deeper understanding of the nuanced complexities of specific values and to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment across Africa and the Global South more broadly. In exploring the above central theme, the group will seek to address the following questions:

  • What traditional African ethical principles and values support African feminist philosophies, and how are they connected to global values?
  • How can the ethics and values underpinning African feminist philosophies promote gender equality and women’s empowerment?
  • What opportunities exist within African philosophical frameworks for empowering women and negotiating gender equality?
  • In what ways do African perspectives on gender equality align with and reflect global ethics and values?
  • What are the implications of local values and their imbrications with the global for theorising, policy, and advocacy on gender?

For more detailed information on this research project, please go to:

Institute of Global Value Inquiry

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